Saturday, February 26, 2011

2 Weeks of Breakfast: Day 4. Birmingham Eggs

It's Saturday today. I planned to sleep in and make something really fancy for breakfast today. But then I made plans, which meant I had to be out by 9:30 am, which meant I had to wake at 8 am to allow enough time for the breakfast woo-doo. Which turned out quite impossible.

When I finally crawled out of bed half an hour past the alarm, it was quite clear I needed an alternative recipe. Faster and easier - but, perhaps, still fancy-looking, it being a weekend meal. And I found it! 

I have no clue why it is called Birmingham Eggs, but there you go:

For 1 portion:

1 bread slice (the toasting kind)
1 egg
some butter
salt to taste

Looks fancy and is easily made. Just follow the recipe: (breakfast recipe)

Melt some butter in a skillet.

On a plate, cut out the centre of the bread slice. Leave the centre in it and add into the skillet. Fry it on both sides. Take the centre out.

Carefully break the egg into a small bowl - make sure the yolk stays intact. Remove any egg shells and pour the egg into the 'breadframe'. Make sure the whites reach into all four corners, fusing with the bread.

If the whites start to bubble, poke a hole and fill it with some still-liquid egg whites.

When the whites set, transfer onto a plate (preferably warmed plate) and serve immediately.

Et voila!
