Kaiser-what? I looked it up. Wikipedia insists this really is a dessert. A pancake, for that matter, and a thick one at that. Well, I had this recipe saved as a breakfast one - albeit sweet, indeed. And, as I mentioned a few days earlier, it's MASLENNITSA this week, so pancakes just fit. Just if you're curious, "kaiser" means "emperor" (I sense Cesar is from the same family... kaiser, cesar... see?) and "schmarrn" is "mishmash" in Austrian German.
I got bored with wikipedia so can't tell you what emperor has to do with this breakfast dessert. Or dessert breakfast. But mishmash it is - for this 'pancake' gets torn into pieces.
Don't try this on a regular morning. And don't try this while everyone's sleeping - unless you wanna wake them up: you'll be operating a mixer. But it really is a simple recipe.
flour - 100 g
rum - 1 tsp
eggs - 2
sugar - 2 tsp
milk - 100 ml (cold)
salt (just a pinch)
butter (for frying)
icing sugar (for decoration)
Cut dried apricots in cubes and drown them in rum.Separate egg yolks and whites.
Mix flour, salt, half of the sugar, egg yolks, and cold milk until smooth.
Using a mixer at high speed, turn egg whites and sugar leftovers into thick foam.
With a wooden spoon, carefully fold the foam into the dough.
Warm up the frying pan, melt the butter, pour the dough onto it (it'll be very thick), add dried apricots (get rid of the rum).
Fry until the bottom side is golden. Flip onto a plate, slide back to the frying pan, fry some more.
Don't overcook it or it'll be too dry and rubbery.
When ready, cut into pieces with a spatula (or tear into pieces using two forks) and let it sit in the frying pan for a couple more minutes.
Serve in a plate, covered with icing sugar. You can also serve it with jam.
See this picture? I fried mine a bit too long and it dried up a bit. Learn from my mistakes :)
My hubby, when asked, said definitely try it again. It was tasty even when a bit dry.
My hubby, when asked, said definitely try it again. It was tasty even when a bit dry.
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